You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1103 lines
30 KiB

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

"use strict";
function _get(target, property, receiver) { if (typeof Reflect !== "undefined" && Reflect.get) { _get = Reflect.get; } else { _get = function _get(target, property, receiver) { var base = _superPropBase(target, property); if (!base) return; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, property); if (desc.get) { return; } return desc.value; }; } return _get(target, property, receiver || target); }
function _superPropBase(object, property) { while (!, property)) { object = _getPrototypeOf(object); if (object === null) break; } return object; }
function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
var AbstractSmartDatePart =
function () {
function AbstractSmartDatePart(placeholder, isStatic) {
_classCallCheck(this, AbstractSmartDatePart);
this._state = AbstractSmartDatePart.STATE_NONE;
this._cleanedValue = '';
this._parsedValue = '';
this._scanned = '';
this._placeholder = placeholder;
this._static = isStatic;
_createClass(AbstractSmartDatePart, [{
key: "state",
value: function state() {
return this._state;
}, {
key: "isNoState",
value: function isNoState() {
return this._state === AbstractSmartDatePart.STATE_NONE;
}, {
key: "isIncomplete",
value: function isIncomplete() {
return this._state === AbstractSmartDatePart.STATE_INCOMPLETE;
}, {
key: "isComplete",
value: function isComplete() {
return this._state === AbstractSmartDatePart.STATE_COMPLETE;
}, {
key: "resetState",
value: function resetState() {
this._state = AbstractSmartDatePart.STATE_NONE;
}, {
key: "cleanedValue",
value: function cleanedValue() {
return this._cleanedValue;
}, {
key: "parsedValue",
value: function parsedValue() {
return this._parsedValue;
}, {
key: "placeHolder",
value: function placeHolder() {
return this._placeholder;
}, {
key: "isStatic",
value: function isStatic() {
return this._static;
}, {
key: "_isNumericSymbol",
value: function _isNumericSymbol(symbol) {
return '0' <= symbol && symbol <= '9';
* @param {SmartDateCheckState} state
* @returns {Boolean}
}, {
key: "check",
value: function check(state) {
return false;
return AbstractSmartDatePart;
AbstractSmartDatePart.STATE_NONE = 0;
AbstractSmartDatePart.STATE_INCOMPLETE = 1;
AbstractSmartDatePart.STATE_COMPLETE = 2;
var SmartDateStaticPart =
function (_AbstractSmartDatePar) {
_inherits(SmartDateStaticPart, _AbstractSmartDatePar);
function SmartDateStaticPart(placeholder) {
var _this2;
_classCallCheck(this, SmartDateStaticPart);
_this2 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(SmartDateStaticPart).call(this, placeholder, true));
_this2._cleanedValue = placeholder;
return _this2;
* @param {SmartDateCheckState} state
* @returns {Boolean}
_createClass(SmartDateStaticPart, [{
key: "parse",
value: function parse(state) {
var value = state.value();
var index = state.valueIndex();
while (index < value.length && !this._isNumericSymbol(value[index])) {
this._parsedValue = value.substring(state.valueIndex(), index);
this._state = AbstractSmartDatePart.STATE_COMPLETE;
return true;
return SmartDateStaticPart;
var AbstractSmartDateNumericPart =
function (_AbstractSmartDatePar2) {
_inherits(AbstractSmartDateNumericPart, _AbstractSmartDatePar2);
function AbstractSmartDateNumericPart(placeholder, size) {
var _this3;
_classCallCheck(this, AbstractSmartDateNumericPart);
_this3 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(AbstractSmartDateNumericPart).call(this, placeholder, false));
_this3._numericValue = 0;
_this3._size = size;
return _this3;
_createClass(AbstractSmartDateNumericPart, [{
key: "numericValue",
value: function numericValue() {
return this._numericValue;
* @param {Date} date
* @returns {String}
}, {
key: "formatDate",
value: function formatDate(date) {
return '';
}, {
key: "formatValue",
value: function formatValue(value) {
var stringValue = String(this._correctValue(value));
if (stringValue === '0') {
return stringValue;
if (stringValue.length > this._size) {
return stringValue.substring(0, this._size);
if (stringValue.length < this._size) {
return stringValue.padStart(this._size, '0');
return stringValue;
}, {
key: "_correctValue",
value: function _correctValue(value) {
return Math.round(value);
* @param {SmartDateCheckState} state
* @returns {String}
}, {
key: "scanStringNumber",
value: function scanStringNumber(state) {
var index = state.valueIndex();
var value = state.value();
while (index < value.length && this._isNumericSymbol(value[index])) {
var stringValue = value.substring(state.valueIndex(), index);
return stringValue;
}, {
key: "calculateNumericValue",
value: function calculateNumericValue(stringValue, maximalNumber) {
var startIndex = 0;
var endIndex = 0;
var numericValue = 0;
while (startIndex < stringValue.length && stringValue[startIndex] === 0) {
endIndex = startIndex;
while (endIndex < stringValue.length && numericValue < maximalNumber) {
numericValue = numericValue * 10 + Number(stringValue[endIndex]);
if (numericValue > maximalNumber) {
return Number(stringValue.substring(startIndex, endIndex));
* @param {SmartDateCheckState} state
* @param {Number} maximalValue
}, {
key: "scanValue",
value: function scanValue(state, maximalValue) {
var index = state.valueIndex();
var value = state.value();
var numericValue = 0;
while (index < value.length && this._isNumericSymbol(value[index]) && numericValue < maximalValue) {
numericValue = numericValue * 10 + Number(value[index]);
if (numericValue > maximalValue) {
var stringValue = value.substring(state.valueIndex(), index);
return stringValue;
}, {
key: "_defineParsingState",
value: function _defineParsingState(maximalValue, isAtEnd) {
if (this._numericValue > 0 && (this._parsedValue.length >= this._size || !isAtEnd)) {
this._state = AbstractSmartDatePart.STATE_COMPLETE;
if (this._numericValue * 10 > maximalValue) {
this._state = AbstractSmartDatePart.STATE_COMPLETE;
this._state = AbstractSmartDatePart.STATE_INCOMPLETE;
}, {
key: "_defineCleanValue",
value: function _defineCleanValue() {
this._cleanedValue = '';
if (this.isNoState()) {
if (this.isComplete()) {
this._cleanedValue = this.formatValue(this._numericValue);
if (this._parsedValue.length > 0) {
this._cleanedValue = String(this._numericValue);
return AbstractSmartDateNumericPart;
var SmartDateDayPart =
function (_AbstractSmartDateNum) {
_inherits(SmartDateDayPart, _AbstractSmartDateNum);
function SmartDateDayPart() {
var _this4;
_classCallCheck(this, SmartDateDayPart);
_this4 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(SmartDateDayPart).call(this, SmartDateFormat.DAY_PLACEHOLDER, 2));
_this4.maximalValue = SmartDateDayPart.MAXIMAL_VALUE;
return _this4;
_createClass(SmartDateDayPart, [{
key: "resetState",
value: function resetState() {
_get(_getPrototypeOf(SmartDateDayPart.prototype), "resetState", this).call(this);
this.maximalValue = SmartDateDayPart.MAXIMAL_VALUE;
}, {
key: "setMaximalValue",
value: function setMaximalValue(value) {
if (value != value
/* isNaN */
|| value < SmartDateDayPart.MAXIMAL_VALUE_LOW_LIMIT || SmartDateDayPart.MAXIMAL_VALUE_HIGH_LIMIT < value) {
this.maximalValue = value;
if (this._numericValue <= this.maximalValue) {
this._numericValue = this.maximalValue;
}, {
key: "resetMaximalValue",
value: function resetMaximalValue() {
this.maximalValue = SmartDateDayPart.MAXIMAL_VALUE;
* @param {Date} date
* @returns {String}
}, {
key: "formatDate",
value: function formatDate(date) {
return this.formatValue(date.getDate());
* @param {SmartDateCheckState} state
}, {
key: "parse",
value: function parse(state) {
this._parsedValue = this.scanStringNumber(state);
this._numericValue = this.calculateNumericValue(this._parsedValue, this.maximalValue);
this._defineParsingState(this.maximalValue, state.isOver());
return SmartDateDayPart;
var SmartDateMonthPart =
function (_AbstractSmartDateNum2) {
_inherits(SmartDateMonthPart, _AbstractSmartDateNum2);
function SmartDateMonthPart() {
_classCallCheck(this, SmartDateMonthPart);
return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(SmartDateMonthPart).call(this, SmartDateFormat.MONTH_PLACEHOLDER, 2));
* @param {Date} date
* @returns {String}
_createClass(SmartDateMonthPart, [{
key: "formatDate",
value: function formatDate(date) {
return this.formatValue(date.getMonth() + 1);
* @param {SmartDateCheckState} state
}, {
key: "parse",
value: function parse(state) {
this._parsedValue = this.scanStringNumber(state);
this._numericValue = this.calculateNumericValue(this._parsedValue, SmartDateMonthPart.MAXIMAL_VALUE);
this._defineParsingState(SmartDateMonthPart.MAXIMAL_VALUE, state.isOver());
return SmartDateMonthPart;
SmartDateMonthPart.MAXIMAL_VALUE = 12;
var SmartDateYearPart =
function (_AbstractSmartDateNum3) {
_inherits(SmartDateYearPart, _AbstractSmartDateNum3);
function SmartDateYearPart() {
_classCallCheck(this, SmartDateYearPart);
return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(SmartDateYearPart).call(this, SmartDateFormat.YEAR_PLACEHOLDER, 4));
* @param {Date} date
* @returns {String}
_createClass(SmartDateYearPart, [{
key: "formatDate",
value: function formatDate(date) {
return this.formatValue(date.getFullYear());
* @param {SmartDateCheckState} state
* @returns {Boolean}
}, {
key: "parse",
value: function parse(state) {
this._parsedValue = this.scanStringNumber(state);
this._numericValue = Number(this._parsedValue);
if (this._numericValue > SmartDateYearPart.MAXIMAL_VALUE) {
this._numericValue = SmartDateYearPart.MAXIMAL_VALUE;
if (this.isComplete() && this._numericValue < SmartDateYearPart.MINIMAL_VALUE) {
this._numericValue = SmartDateYearPart.MINIMAL_VALUE;
}, {
key: "_defineParsingState",
value: function _defineParsingState() {
if (this._numericValue > 0 && this._parsedValue.length >= this._size) {
this._state = AbstractSmartDatePart.STATE_COMPLETE;
this._state = AbstractSmartDatePart.STATE_INCOMPLETE;
}, {
key: "_defineCleanValue",
value: function _defineCleanValue() {
if (this._numericValue > 0) {
this._cleanedValue = String(this._numericValue);
} else {
this._cleanedValue = '';
return SmartDateYearPart;
SmartDateYearPart.MINIMAL_VALUE = 1000;
SmartDateYearPart.MAXIMAL_VALUE = 9999;
var SmartDateParseState =
function () {
function SmartDateParseState() {
_classCallCheck(this, SmartDateParseState);
this._value = '';
this._valueIndex = 0;
_createClass(SmartDateParseState, [{
key: "start",
value: function start(value) {
this._value = value;
this._valueIndex = 0;
}, {
key: "current",
value: function current() {
return this.isOver() ? '' : this._value[this._valueIndex];
}, {
key: "next",
value: function next() {
if (this.isOver()) {
return false;
return !this.isOver();
}, {
key: "isOver",
value: function isOver() {
return this._valueIndex >= this._value.length;
}, {
key: "value",
value: function value() {
return this._value;
}, {
key: "valueIndex",
value: function valueIndex() {
return this._valueIndex;
}, {
key: "setValueIndex",
value: function setValueIndex(index) {
if (this._valueIndex < index) {
this._valueIndex = index;
return SmartDateParseState;
var SmartDateFormat =
function () {
function SmartDateFormat(format) {
_classCallCheck(this, SmartDateFormat);
this._day = null;
this._month = null;
this._year = null;
this._parseState = new SmartDateParseState();
_createClass(SmartDateFormat, [{
key: "loadFormat",
value: function loadFormat(format) {
var index = 0;
var lowFormat = format.toLowerCase();
this._format = format;
this._parts = [];
while (index < format.length) {
index = this._scanPart(index, format, lowFormat);
}, {
key: "_scanPart",
value: function _scanPart(index, format, lowFormat) {
switch (lowFormat[index]) {
case SmartDateFormat.DAY_ANCHOR:
return this._scanDay(index, lowFormat);
case SmartDateFormat.MONTH_ANCHOR:
return this._scanMonth(index, lowFormat);
case SmartDateFormat.YEAR_ANCHOR:
return this._scanYear(index, lowFormat);
return this._scanStatic(index, format, lowFormat);
}, {
key: "_scanDay",
value: function _scanDay(startIndex, lowFormat) {
this._day = new SmartDateDayPart();
return this._avoidAnchor(SmartDateFormat.DAY_ANCHOR, startIndex, lowFormat);
}, {
key: "_scanMonth",
value: function _scanMonth(startIndex, lowFormat) {
this._month = new SmartDateMonthPart();
return this._avoidAnchor(SmartDateFormat.MONTH_ANCHOR, startIndex, lowFormat);
}, {
key: "_scanYear",
value: function _scanYear(startIndex, lowFormat) {
this._year = new SmartDateYearPart();
return this._avoidAnchor(SmartDateFormat.YEAR_ANCHOR, startIndex, lowFormat);
}, {
key: "_avoidAnchor",
value: function _avoidAnchor(anchor, startIndex, lowFormat) {
var endingIndex = startIndex;
while (endingIndex < lowFormat.length && lowFormat[endingIndex] === anchor) {
return endingIndex;
}, {
key: "_checkLastIsStatic",
value: function _checkLastIsStatic() {
if (this._parts.length === 0) {
if (!this._parts[this._parts.length - 1].isStatic()) {
throw new Error('Dynamic date parts must be separated by static substrings');
}, {
key: "_scanStatic",
value: function _scanStatic(startIndex, format, lowFormat) {
var endingIndex = startIndex;
while (endingIndex < format.length && this._isStaticAnchorSymbol(lowFormat[endingIndex])) {
this._parts.push(new SmartDateStaticPart(format.substring(startIndex, endingIndex)));
return endingIndex;
}, {
key: "_isStaticAnchorSymbol",
value: function _isStaticAnchorSymbol(symbol) {
return symbol !== SmartDateFormat.DAY_ANCHOR && symbol !== SmartDateFormat.MONTH_ANCHOR && symbol !== SmartDateFormat.YEAR_ANCHOR;
}, {
key: "getPlaceHolder",
value: function getPlaceHolder() {
var placeHolder = '';
for (var i = 0; i < this._parts.length; i++) {
placeHolder += this._parts[i].placeHolder();
return placeHolder;
* @param {Date} date
* @returns {String}
}, {
key: "formatDate",
value: function formatDate(date) {
var formattedDate = '';
for (var i = 0; i < this._parts.length; i++) {
if (this._parts[i].isStatic()) {
formattedDate += this._parts[i].placeHolder();
} else {
formattedDate += this._parts[i].formatDate(date);
return formattedDate;
}, {
key: "parse",
value: function parse(value, autocomplete) {
}, {
key: "_resetParseState",
value: function _resetParseState() {
for (var i = 0; i < this._parts.length; i++) {
}, {
key: "_parseParts",
value: function _parseParts(autocomplete) {
var index = 0;
while (index < this._parts.length && (autocomplete || !this._parseState.isOver())) {
if (!this._parts[index].isComplete()) {
}, {
key: "_correctDate",
value: function _correctDate() {
if (!this._day.isComplete() || !this._month.isComplete()) {
this._day.setMaximalValue(this._getMonthSize(this._month.numericValue() - 1, !this._year.isComplete() || this._isLeaPYear(this._year.numericValue())));
}, {
key: "getParsedDate",
value: function getParsedDate() {
if (!this.isComplete()) {
return null;
return new Date(this._year.numericValue(), this._month.numericValue() - 1, this._day.numericValue());
}, {
key: "_getMonthSize",
value: function _getMonthSize(monthIndex, isLeapYear) {
if (monthIndex < 0 || monthIndex >= SmartDateMonthPart.MAXIMAL_VALUE) {
return SmartDateMonthPart.MAXIMAL_VALUE;
if (monthIndex === 1 && isLeapYear) {
// February
return SmartDateFormat.BASIC_MONTH_SIZES[monthIndex] + 1;
return SmartDateFormat.BASIC_MONTH_SIZES[monthIndex];
}, {
key: "_isLeaPYear",
value: function _isLeaPYear(year) {
return year % 4 === 0 && (year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0);
}, {
key: "getCorrectedValue",
value: function getCorrectedValue() {
var index = 0;
var value = '';
while (index < this._parts.length && !this._parts[index].isNoState()) {
value += this._parts[index].cleanedValue();
return value;
}, {
key: "isComplete",
value: function isComplete() {
return this._parts[this._parts.length - 1].isComplete();
return SmartDateFormat;
SmartDateFormat.DAY_ANCHOR = 'd';
SmartDateFormat.DAY_PLACEHOLDER = 'ДД';
SmartDateFormat.MONTH_ANCHOR = 'm';
SmartDateFormat.YEAR_ANCHOR = 'y';
SmartDateFormat.BASIC_MONTH_SIZES = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
var SmartDateField =
function () {
function SmartDateField(field, options) {
_classCallCheck(this, SmartDateField);
this._dateYmdParser = new RegExp('^([0-9]{4})[,\._\/\-]+([0-9]{1,2})[,\._\/\-]+([0-9]{1,2})$');
this._dateDmyParser = new RegExp('^([0-9]{1,2})[,\._\/\-]+([0-9]{1,2})[,\._\/\-]+([0-9]{4})$');
this._formatter = new SmartDateFormat(this._format, this._minimalDate, this._maximalDate);
this._lastCorrectValue = this._defaultDate === null ? null : this._formatter.formatDate(this._defaultDate);
_createClass(SmartDateField, [{
key: "_loadDefaultOptions",
value: function _loadDefaultOptions() {
this._format = 'd.m.y';
this._minimalDate = new Date(1900, 0, 1);
this._maximalDate = new Date(2099, 11, 31);
this._defaultDate = null;
}, {
key: "_loadOptions",
value: function _loadOptions(options) {
if (_typeof(options) !== 'object' || options == null) {
if (typeof options.format === 'string' && options.format.indexOf('d') >= 0 && options.format.indexOf('m') >= 0 && options.format.indexOf('y') >= 0) {
this._format = options.format;
if (typeof options.minimal !== 'undefined') {
var date = this._parseDateValue(options.minimal);
this._minimalDate = date;
if (typeof options.maximal !== 'undefined') {
var _date = this._parseDateValue(options.maximal);
this._maximalDate = _date;
if (typeof options["default"] !== 'undefined') {
var _date2 = this._parseDateValue(options["default"]);
this._defaultDate = _date2;
}, {
key: "_correctDateOptions",
value: function _correctDateOptions() {
if (this._minimalDate.valueOf() > this._maximalDate.valueOf()) {
var temporaryDate = this._minimalDate;
this._minimalDate = this._maximalDate;
this._maximalDate = temporaryDate;
if (this._defaultDate === null) {
if (this._defaultDate.valueOf() < this._minimalDate.valueOf()) {
this._defaultDate = this._minimalDate;
if (this._defaultDate.valueOf() > this._maximalDate.valueOf()) {
this._defaultDate = this._maximalDate;
}, {
key: "_parseDateValue",
value: function _parseDateValue(date) {
if (_typeof(date) === 'object' && date !== null && date instanceof Date) {
return date;
if (typeof date !== 'string' || date.trim() === '') {
return null;
var parsed = this._dateYmdParser.exec(date);
if (parsed !== null) {
return new Date(Number(parsed[1]), Number(parsed[2]) - 1, Number(parsed[3]));
parsed = this._dateDmyParser.exec(date);
if (parsed === null) {
return null;
return new Date(Number(parsed[3]), Number(parsed[2]) - 1, Number(parsed[1]));
}, {
key: "_initField",
value: function _initField(field) {
this._field = field;
this._field.placeholder = this._formatter.getPlaceHolder();
if (this._isEmptyValue(this._field.value)) {
this._field.value = this._defaultDate === null ? '' : this._formatter.formatDate(this._defaultDate);
} else {
}, {
key: "_subscribeEvents",
value: function _subscribeEvents() {
var _this = this;
var correct = function correct(event) {
if (event === null || event.type !== 'keyup') {
if (_this._isServiceCode(event.keyCode)) {
if (event.keyCode === 27) {
// Escape
this._field.addEventListener('change', correct);
this._field.addEventListener('keyup', correct);
this._field.addEventListener('blur', function () {
}, {
key: "_isServiceCode",
value: function _isServiceCode(code) {
return code === 8
/* backspace */
|| code === 46
/* delete */
|| code === 16
/* shift */
|| code === 17
/* shift */
|| code === 18
/* shift */
|| code === 20
/* caps lock */
|| code === 35
/* end */
|| code === 36
/* home */
|| code === 37
/* left */
|| code === 39
/* right */
|| code === 46
/* delete */
}, {
key: "_isEmptyValue",
value: function _isEmptyValue(value) {
return value.trim() === '';
}, {
key: "getDefaultValue",
value: function getDefaultValue() {
return this._defaultDate === null ? '' : this._formatter.formatDate(this._defaultDate);
}, {
key: "correctValue",
value: function correctValue(autocomplete) {
this._formatter.parse(this._field.value, autocomplete);
var parsedValue = this._getLimitedParsedValue();
if (this._formatter.isComplete()) {
this._lastCorrectValue = parsedValue;
if (this._field.value === parsedValue) {
}, {
key: "setValue",
value: function setValue(value) {
var date = this._parseDateValue(value);
if (date === null || date.valueOf() < this._minimalDate.valueOf() || date.valueOf() > this._maximalDate.valueOf()) {
this._lastCorrectValue = this._formatter.formatDate(date);
this._field.value = this._lastCorrectValue;
}, {
key: "_getLimitedParsedValue",
value: function _getLimitedParsedValue() {
if (!this._formatter.isComplete()) {
return this._formatter.getCorrectedValue();
var date = this._formatter.getParsedDate();
if (date.valueOf() < this._minimalDate.valueOf()) {
return this._formatter.formatDate(this._minimalDate);
} else if (date.valueOf() > this._maximalDate.valueOf()) {
return this._formatter.formatDate(this._maximalDate);
return this._formatter.getCorrectedValue();
}, {
key: "_setValueToFieled",
value: function _setValueToFieled(newValue) {
var position = this._field.selectionStart;
var isAtEnd = position === this._field.value.length;
this._field.value = newValue;
if (!isAtEnd && position < this._field.value.length) {
this._field.selectionStart = position;
this._field.selectionEnd = position;
}, {
key: "returnLastCorrectValue",
value: function returnLastCorrectValue() {
if (this._lastCorrectValue !== null) {
this._field.value = this._lastCorrectValue;
return SmartDateField;
SmartDateField.initBy = function (id) {
return SmartDateField.initFor(document.getElementById(id));
SmartDateField.initFor = function (field, options) {
if (_typeof(field) !== 'object' || field === null || field.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'input' || field.type.toLowerCase() !== 'text') {
if (_typeof(field._smartDate) === 'object' && field._smartDate !== null && field._smartDate instanceof SmartDateField) {
field._smartDate = new SmartDateField(field, options);
jQuery.fn.smartdate = function (options) {
var collection = [];
var field = null;
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
field = SmartDateField.initFor(this[i], options);
if (field !== null) {
return jQuery(this);
jQuery.fn.setDateValue = function (value) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
if (_typeof(this[i]._smartDate) === 'object' && this[i]._smartDate !== null && this[i]._smartDate instanceof SmartDateField) {
return jQuery(this);